Rise of Africa

Since the announcement of the new American law called the “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA) of 2022, Europeans seem to be experiencing continuous headaches. Senior EU officials have all expressed, in their own nuances, their fears of the negative impact that the law in question would have on the industrial competitiveness of EU countries in what […]

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The food industry is on the rise

In essence, the severe turbulence that postcolonial Europe has been experiencing for some time, without being able to find solutions to them, show that the rules and principles, which have governed international relations since their establishment under Western aegis after the Second World War, have become obsolete. That being said, if there is a Continent […]

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Trial by Fire for our food exporting industry

The visible efforts that our country has been making for several years leave no doubt about Morocco’s intention to move towards the industrial development of our agricultural resources as finished products. The stated goal is to make a better export profit on our African continent and elsewhere. It follows that our farmers will logically have […]

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The democratization of knowledge

Over the past two years, the Covid-19 pandemic has largely exhausted the energy, resources and patience of most states on the planet. Then, just when the acuity of the scourge seemed to be weakening, and the affected countries foreseeing a gradual return to normal life, the Russia/Ukraine war upsets these optimistic forecasts and plunges many […]

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Morocco at the crossroads

In Morocco, and probably elsewhere too, we all know that conflicts over inheritance issues are among the hardest to resolve. This is because many of us know, directly or indirectly, story of inheritance that has altered the sense of belonging to a family or a tribe. That being said, the problem of inheritance in its […]

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The NDM for boosting export

Morocco has started the implementation of the New Development Model (NDM) to which His Majesty King Mohammed VI called and which we talked about in a previous article (see here). Thus, the new Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sports, Mr. Chakib Benmoussa, has just overhauled the conditions for recruiting teachers to teach in Moroccan […]

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The Iberian component of German ambition

In recent days, everyone, locally and internationally, has been able to realize how seriously diplomatic relations between Morocco and Spain have deteriorated. The reasons for this deterioration are above all political in nature. This is an area that is not the traditional focus of this blog. This being the case, the affirmation of our Minister […]

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The decline of German prestige

The town of Ouazzane, where I grew up, is known in Morocco for its Koranic traditions and its crafts, of which weaving and tannery are the most representative. But in our childhood, after Morocco’s independence, we were, as kids, more interested in jobs that gave us something to have fun with. The spinning top was […]

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The withering of EU

In the seventies of the last century, there was no lack of work in Switzerland in general and in Lausanne in particular. As students, we took great advantage of these opportunities to help, for example, pay our relatively expensive university fees at the time. In this context, I successively replaced on July / August, during […]

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